Last week we posted about the esteemed professors at Charles University in 1948. Today we wanted to share a little about student life. LIFE Magazine photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt went to Czechoslovakia in 1947 and he captured the images of some students at Prague’s Charles University. The photographs accompanied an article in LIFE Magazine on January 12, 1948.
So where did students gather? Here’s more from the LIFE article (keep in mind this was printed in 1948.
BUILDINGS They are scattered throughout Prague
Unlike most U.S. universities, Charles University has no campus or yard. Its buildings are scattered all over the city and reflect many styles of architecture and design. Most of the buildings now in use are of relatively modern construction, but students daily cross the Charles Bridge which was built in 1357 and is famous for its 30 statues.
Charles University history class studying crucifix on historic Charles Bridge.
View fr. the Charles Bridge toward the Hradcany compound w. St. Vitus cathedral in the center.
One of the real jewels of the university is the Clementinum, the former Jesuit college, which now houses the public and university library of nearly two million volumes. Started in the 17th Century, the Clementinum was 150 years in the building. It is a great treasure if medieval books, illuminated manuscripts and rare documents. (If visiting Prague, you can tour the beautiful Clementinum.)
Statue of King Charles IV (L); in the bkgrd. is Clementinum, former Jesuit College which now houses the Charles University library.
Prewar English language books on shelves of the library of the English Department at Charles University. English professor standing behind all the new English language books that he has been able to acquire since the end of the war.
Reading room for Science Faculty students at Charles University.
At the opposite extreme are the modern hostels in which most of the students live.
Owned by a student association rather than the university, they include the Franklin D. Roosevelt hostel, and the streamlined Marshal Tito Hall.
Married student couple living in the Roosevelt Hostel of Charles University.
Charles University student clipping ration ticket for two bottles of milk and two rolls at cooperative milk bar run by the Science students.
There is also a hostel named for Czechoslovakia’s national hero, Masaryk.
Meeting of self-governing body of student members of hostel at Charles University.
Theological student Bohumil Stvan in seminary at Charles University.
Charles University medical student Jiri Kreibich fondles a skeleton’s leg while studying for an anatomy exam in his room at the Masaryk hostel.
Yugoslavian students at Charles University lining up outside Marshal Tito Hall before going away on weekend to aid in winter coal crisis.
And what did students do after hours?
Charles University students Jirina Wurflova and Karel Vachek singing at meeting of Young Scientists club.
Charles University students at coffee house drinking coffee and lemonade and dancing to swing band.

Charles University students drinking a toast at the start of a celebration, Prague
Members of the Young Scientists Association at Charles University singing at end of weekly meeting.
Charles University students having bull session in room of their hostel.
Two Czech students playing chess under student artwork on wall of room in the Marshal Tito Hall at Charles University.
Charles University student
Students felt privileged to study and excelled in their respective fields. They understood that they were learning from the best of the best.
Brain surgeon Arnold Jirasek describing technique of operating on woman with a severely abscessed jaw to medical students from Charles University in amphitheater of his Clinic of Surgery.
Brain surgeon Arnold Jirasek describing technique of operating on woman with a severely abscessed jaw to medical students from Charles University in amphitheater of his Clinic of Surgery.
Medical student at Charles University examining specimen from collection of diseased tissues in school’s Institute of Pathology.
Charles University medical students attending post-mortem of a woman who died of cancer.
First year medical students at Charles University listening to lecture in grand amphitheater of the Biology Institute.
Medical students in workroom of Charles University.
Charles University medical students in workroom making microscopic study of human tissue.
Medical students at Charles University taking notes during lecture in amphitheater of the Clinic of Surgery.
Students from seminary at Charles University and members of Franciscan and other religious orders at the university attending lecture on Kant by theology faculty professor.
It sure looks and feels different than education here…
John Skrivanek (Rear L) of Austin,Texas, with fellow students in classroom of philosophy building of Charles University on banks of the Vltava River overlooking ancient Hradcany castle and St. Vitus Cathedral.
American Martha Brodsky, a graduate of Univ. of Illinois, in her room at Charles University where she is seeking a doctor’s degree.
You can view the entire LIFE Photographic Essay here.
Photographer: Alfred Eisenstaedt (December 6, 1898 – August 23, 1995) was a German-born American photographer and photojournalist. One of the most prolific photographers of the twentieth century, he began his career in pre-World War II Germany, and after moving to the U.S., achieved prominence as a staff photographer for Life Magazine which featured more than 90 of his pictures on its covers with over 2,500 photo stories published. Eisenstaedt was “renowned for his ability to capture memorable images of important people in the news, including statesmen, movie stars and artists” and for his candid photographs, taken with a small 35mm Leica camera and typically with only natural lighting.
Sources: Life Magazine, Wikipedia.
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Czechoslovakia, Prague, 1940s, Cities, Education, Czechoslovakian, Sacred Articles, History, Schools, Religion, Buildings, Charles University, Students, Education, Students, Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovakian, Religion, Sacred Articles, Schools, Cities, Prague, Charles University, 1940s