Tag / Czech Republic
In Prague, as in many parts of Europe, the subway is called the metro. The Prague Metro is the rapid transit network of Prague, Czech Republic. Founded in 1974, the Prague Metro now comprises three lines, serving 61 stations, and consists of a transit network 41.5 miles long. Today we’re sharing our Prague Subway Guide...
For the past three years, students from Purdue University have traveled to Prague along with faculty member Jim Tanoos as part of a Study Abroad program entitled “Purdue Polytechnic’s Central European Multinational Automobile Organization Supply Chain Experience”. Purdue University offers move than 200 majors and specializes in agriculture, engineering, and technology. It has an enrollment...
Survival Guide for Foreigners in the Czech Republic Teaching Czech for Foreigners and meeting people from different cultures has inspired me to start writing this survival guide. If you want to live in a foreign country, learning the local language is never enough. You need socio-cultural skills to understand the mentality of the people, behave...
As we have discussed in previous posts, (like why Prague is the best city to have a wedding) Czech weddings are definitely something special, so we thought we’d discuss how this amazing moment is celebrated in Czech culture. Though most of the traditions found at Czech weddings are typically Christian traditions and can be found at...
You’ve all heard about the famous Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, right? Well guess what… There is a Czech Stonehenge as well! In a pleasant environment surrounded by nature, a stone circle of giant stones was built in August of 2008. The stones were placed according to expert series of famous psychotronics by...
Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, home to historical castles, churches, and bridges. It is the fifth most visited city in Europe, and for a good reason; it is breathtakingly beautiful. “Cities were always like people, showing their varying personalities to the traveler. Depending on the city and on the traveler,...
Dr. James Tanoos recently finished up a Study Abroad to Prague, Czech Republic with 30 students from Purdue University, USA. The trip was  entitled “Purdue Polytechnic’s Central European Multinational Automobile Organization Supply Chain Experience”. Hearing from Dr. Tanoos, the students loved the beautiful city of Prague and thanks to his comprehensive report at his blog, today...
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